Thursday, December 30, 2010


Praise God for the gospel.  Praise God for the simplicity. 

I had an echoing reminder today as I got in my car after work.  Sometimes we over-jumble and complicate our faith.  We present the gospel as a litany of arguments, apologetics, and viewpoints.  I thank God all of these concepts and ideas matter nothing to to pure Gospel. 

Christ came because He loved us.  We are flawed, less than God.  Christ died as a sacrifice, the perfect lamb.  We can be made perfect through Him. Either we pay for our sins or we accept His gift.  If we accept that He is our Lord and our Savior, we have the assurance to live forever in communion with God.  If we don't, we will pay and we will be separated.

There are not sects or denominations.  There is nothing.  Absolutely nothing we can do.  It is through Him and Him alone.  How blessed we are!

I was talking to an LDS co-worker today.  The conversation started with him saying we basically believe the same thing.  But the deeper he got, the more layers of works and levels and God-ship and never really knowing where you stand.  Even after you are dead, there are still works, and things and possibly moving in positions from one heaven to another.  There is prison where you pay for your sins.  There is another level of judgement even after you are a follower of their gospel and have done all these works.  And in the end, you still don't really know.  How complicated?!  How hard it must be! And, to end it all and move on to eternity where you will continue to struggle for your place.  And, to never really be sure when you die of where you stand with God.  I wanted to cry for him. 

I praised God as I walked away from that conversation.... more of You and less of Me!  It doesn't need to be complicated.  There doesn't need to be a lack of assurance.  I rest in knowing that Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  He paid it all.  He knows me and He loves me.  Praise God!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Half-way There

I sit here on Christmas Eve day, with less than 3 weeks until I leave.  God has been providing in some big ways and my funding is 1/2 way there.  Which, essentially, is enough to get me to Australia since I have my own savings.  However, I would ask for prayers for more just so I don't spend every penny I have locked away.  Thanks. 

Love all of you!  Have had so much love and support through this process.  Almost to AUS!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

T-Minue 1 Month

Not much new to update on. Just 1 month left in the States before I depart. I am trying to privately journal as much as possible because it's good to look back at my prayers and see how God comes through. Always a good reminder.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Funding Update

With promised, but mostly given funds, I currently need about $1700 by mid-December to reach my minimum goal.  Pray, pray, pray.  Somedays I'm at perfect peace about it, other days I'm a bit nervous.  Here's the part where I continue to trust and jump in with both feet!