Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Plan "B"?

It's imbedded in our culture. Part of the fabric of Western Society. The "back-up plan" also known as plan B.

In this context allow me to speak as a Christian to Christians.

It seems like in almost every decision we make, we have a few more in our pocket just in case the first one falls through.

"If college doesn't work out, I'll go into the military." "In case this spouse doesn't meet my needs I'll get a new one." "If all else fails I can do X, Y, and Z."

I will be honest, Plan "B" makes me angry! I see plan B as one of many things, none of them positive. Either we don't really believe we can follow through on our commitments or we don't really believe God.

I believe I am called into full-time missions. I believe that calling is to serve with Youth With a Mission using my journalism and photography for His glory. To reach nations.

The past few weeks I have been struggling with discouragement and doubt a lot about my calling. Part of it is because I haven't taken time to pray and hear from God like I should. The other reason is I've had Christian after Christian listen to where God is leading me. Then, wrapping up the conversation they say something like, "That's great, but what's your plan B if it doesn't work out."


Are you kidding me? Did I stutter? I KNOW GOD IS CALLING ME TO THIS. Now, either you don't believe me when I say that or you don't believe that God is big enough to handle what lies ahead. Either you are calling me a liar or you are saying God isn't sovereign.

Yes, that is a bold statement. Yes, sometimes God calls us to something and our own desires or expectations get in the way. I do not believe I am above that. I also have lived long enough to know it's not going to look exactly like what I think it will look like.

But, here's what I do believe. The Creator of the Universe has a plan and purpose for me. I know His voice because I have heard it thousands of times and checked it against His word to validate its truth. I look at His character and ask, "Is this something God would call me to?"

I also know a deep seeded calling on my life. I see glimpses and whispers of it back through my whole life.

I don't need a Plan "B".... I will go where He leads me until He tells me otherwise. There is NOTHING.... I repeat NOTHING I have ever found in the Bible that validates the Plan "B" we western Christians place so much stock in.

Moses didn't sit down with Aaron and say, "Well, just in case God doesn't really deliver us out of Egypt what do you think we should do?" NO. He uprooted thousands of people through the most impossible circumstances and left Egypt.

The apostle Paul was called to return to Jerusalem where he knew he would likely be jailed and killed for his faith. When he first told his fellow Christians they tried to dissuade him. But after he made it clear God asked it of him, they supported him. Why? Because they knew God is bigger than what they think lies ahead.

When I stepped on the Hillsdale College campus for a visit at 16-years-old, I knew it was the school God wanted me to attend. My mom begged me to have a back-up plan. She found other schools for me to apply to. I didn't. Months later I was accepted, soon after I had most of my school covered by scholarships.

When God called me to move to Boise on 48 hours notice, I did. I packed everything I owned into my car and drove 15 hours through a blizzard to a city I didn't have a place to live, didn't know anyone, and didn't have a job. I have never looked back and questioned that calling. I knew even when facing some tough obstacles, that God wanted me here.

The first time I went to Australia for my Discipleship Training School people thought I was insane and asked the same question. "What if this doesn't work out?"

I don't say this to walk in pride. I say all of this because I know the God I serve. At His name every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord! I know that He defeated death. I believe that He spoke and the universe came into being. The earth is His foot stool. The world and all it contains is His.

Why, oh, why do we walk according to any other plan than His? I certainly need to come before God to make sure my Plan "A" is His plan. But, as a friend recently told me, "God is not going to call you into the desert and leave you there."

Maybe, just maybe, we as Christians don't see change in the world because we don't really believe God is moving.


Rhoni said...

That's powerful girl. And you are so on point. I think most Christians (me included) are not as confident in recognizing those whispers and directions from God as we'd like to think we are, or pretend we are, or whatever. But that's where "plan B" comes in - at least for me. It's not a lack of faith in God. It's a lack of faith in myself. Or, maybe it IS a lack of faith in God. Now that I think about it. Because I'm doubting His ability to work despite me...oh...I have food for contemplation now.

Anyway. You rock.

Roberto said...

Wow I am proud of what you have write here because it shows that your heart is in the right place to be. When I came to stay in Timor, my first time - two months only, I knew in my heart that I had heard God's voice clearly, but people start to questioning that calling. I went to my room and prayed - "Jesus I need your word to stand firm". And He did speak. He showed me that He is the one who calls and if something happen He still in control of everything. Keep listen good counseling but always remain in what Jesus speaks!